Graphic Design Club
About the Club
Executive Committee
About the Club

The Graphic Design Club’s purpose is to educate, expose, and provide resources to students interested in the field of graphic design. The club will offer services to other Bryan University programs and individuals who may be in need of a graphic designer.



*Have any feedback, concerns, or questions? Send a message to the Executive Committee.

Executive Committee

Faculty Representative

Rosetta Lilly, Graphic Design Program Director


Stephanie Rife

Vice President

More about me.

Marketing/Student Liaison

More about me.


More about me.


Officer Terms

The term of each officer shall be one semester (16 weeks).

Should any officer position become vacated during the semester, interviews will be held to fill the position.

Executive Committee Positions

Faculty Representative – Oversee the organization.

President – Organize meetings (if required) and oversee the general activity of the club. They will also meet with the advisor to continue making professional connections and bringing those connections to club meetings or events.

Vice President – Assist the President in duties of overseeing the goals of the club. Takes on responsibilities if the President is not available. 

Marketing/ Student Liaison – contact students to be more involved in the club activities. Organize events.

Secretary – Responsible for communication and meeting minutes.




Full membership to this organization shall be offered to all Bryan University Graphic Design students who are currently enrolled in either UX/UI Certificate program or the Graphic Design Associates Program.


Membership in this organization shall open to all members of the UX/UI Graphic Design Program. Membership in this organization shall be granted without regard for age, race, gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or color.

Communication Etiquette

All communications in the graphic design club must be respective and collaborative. Don’t communicate when angry, in a combative way, to “show off,” or to insult a classmate. Consider the point of view and perspective of others when talking in during meetings or in discussions.
Use class discussions to respectfully ask questions, express and revise opinions, and take positions on topics. Develop your communication, collaboration, and teamwork skills through these discussions.

Academic Honesty

Academic dishonesty is an action that relates to cheating or other completion of work that lacks integrity. Examples of academic honesty include buying, stealing, copying, or borrowing someone else’s work; having someone write your work or complete your test for you, using another person’s test answers, and plagiarism. Plagiarism includes passing someone else’s work or ideas as your own without crediting the original source of the work/idea.
Students who engage in academic dishonesty may receive the following penalties:

  • Multiple occurrences of academic dishonesty may result in termination from Bryan University.

Study Group! – Every Thursday & Saturday!

Your ACs and other students will work together to help out in anyway you need to help you succeed in this course, we look forward to seeing you. 

Saturdays 7am EST! 

If you can’t make it you can always schedule with one of us at… 

Thursdays 7pm EST!



Check the calendar for our graphic design club presentations!

Need extra help in your courses? 
ACT is here for you!

Schedule a Study Session with an Academic Consultant

ACT logo


Your success coach can help provide social, emotional, and academic guidance!

Visit the Student Success Coaches site to book an appointment or email your coach.


Workshop Recordings

Career Services







Basic Compositing

Basic Retouching

Photoshop Mockup 


Editing Audio


Create Animations 


Pop Up Overlay


Repeat Grid

Guest Speakers

Connect on Social Media

Career Goals & Research

Accreditation Forms

Accreditation is a process of validation in which colleges, universities and other institutions of higher learning are evaluated.  

Why is this important? – In order to maintain and improve our programs, we need to keep up to date on the success of our students. In truth, without the feedback we receive through these forms from YOU, the members of the BU Community we would cease to be a successful institution.

Please view this form explaining what forms we collect and what you may need to include with them as supporting evidence: 

BU Career Connections

BU Career Connections is a great resource for students and alumni search for jobs continued career development. 

Getting Started

Please visit:

  1. Click ” Students”
  2. Click “Create Account”
  3. Required to use your “Bryan University” email for the Username and then you may create a password.

For technical problems please reach out to College Central at

For access questions and other problems or concerns please reach out to Career Services at

Most FAQs can be found inside your profile in the top right corner by clicking “Help” or

Resume & Cover Letter Assistance

If you need any resume or cover letter assistance please follow the steps below.

  1. Log into your BU Career Connections dashboard
  2. Go to the “Career Documents Library” 
  3. Click on the templates, download, and edit them as a Word Document. 
  4. For resumes please go to “My Resumes” on the left side of your dashboard and upload them for review.
  5. You may also send resumes and cover letters to

**Keep in mind there may be multiple drafts so please work with us to complete final drafts within a reasonable timeframe